Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jeter, Erica Practice Post

My name is Erica Jeter. I have lived in Uriah, Alabama my whole life. I am engaged and I have a 6 month old daughter. I plan on becoming an Elementary Teacher. I chose USA because it was the only college closest to where I live and the tour was incredible. I love children so I chose to become an Elementary teacher, hopefully; I will teach Kindergarten.
A teacher’s work in the 21st century has changed tremendously. Now they have be very good at using computers and social networking sites. They have to have the ability to show students that everything is technology. I am very good with children. I seem to attract kids to me. I love teaching them and watching the amazed look on their face when they have learned something new.I would love to get better at using the computer.

1 comment:

  1. "A teacher’s work in the 21st century has changed tremendously." RIGHT!
